Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hope everyone is doing well! If you have time, would you take a minute and please leave me a review for my Blog? Thank you and God Bless!

Chronic Pain Survival is Sponsored by Art by Matt Williams  

Hello to All,

I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing?  Everything is really starting to fall in place for me as I have said many times, because I choose to follow Gods path...People ask me, how do you follow his path and I say its easy.. the bible.. there is every answer, to every question you might have.   But most of all, you must have faith that what you are reading is the truth and nothing but the truth.  So me, just a regular guy, with regular life issues like everyone else.  Surviving one day at a time on faith!   

I choose to let god show me the way.  He puts things in my head and sometimes, well, a lot of the time, I do not understand what he is trying to tell me.   So let me share what my process is. I start doing something associated with what I feel God is telling me to do and or try, and I will try it.   I may try two or 3 times.  Sometimes it runs smooth as silk and other times there is a speed bump every 5 steps and I trip.  The great thing is, if you have patience, which was one of my great downfalls ( I always wanted to do it now and be done), God will allow the things to happen in his time and the way he wants it done.  I believe as long as we are living with him along our side, things happen that are good and make you feel good and happy. 

I don't care if its relationships, illness, healing, or whatever your case may be.  Patience...  Its all in Gods time. I suffered from Chronic Pain, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Back Pain, PTSD, Depression and Anxiety and now what is considered Fibromyalgia (Nerve Disorder) for over 25 years before I got relief.  That is more than half my life!  My point is that it is NOT in our hands, unless we choose to go down the wrong path.  How do you know what the wrong path is?   Things don't work, relationships do not work, illness happens, things don't go as you (key word you) thought.   Gods will is not the same as our will, my personal opinion.  We are of human nature and God is God!  God of all things past, present and future!  

So now when I try something and I feel I am going in the right direction, I try to stay on course as best as I can everyday.  Don't steer away from God just because something good happened and you thought it was all you! Could be God dangling a carrot there for you to have a taste of what being blessed feels like!

When something you did months ago is just sitting there doing nothing but counting the days.  THAT'S OK!   Let it sit and if you mess with it every now and again, you will see very fast if its Gods time yet or not.  If what you do goes good and you feel like it is pleasing unto god then stop and think about your original issue that God put you into.  Good or Bad...
If you take the steps god puts in front of you and don't stray away, I believe god blesses your stewardship and patience to follow his will.   His will can bless you or I believe God will allow things to happen that are not in his will (Don't Blame God).   It may not be you, that he allows something to happen to, but maybe its your best friend or a family member, destroys a family or maybe a complete stranger!   Maybe god is telling you something if its a bad issue, maybe its because your not living in his will or haven't asked for forgiveness for past actions. When stuff happens now, I immediately ask god for forgiveness of anything I may have done to offend him!  Just like I would never disrespect my earthly father. 

Something I do is google bible versus that relate to the issues you are facing ( Good times and bad!)!  So many people never think about just saying thank you Jesus and mean it!   If life is good and you are blessed!  I am so happy for you!  My experience of mountaintops has been refreshing, built my confidence and has been revitalizing!   Those days when everything went so smoothly and filled with nothing but happiness.  Like the day my children were born healthy, the day my grandson was born.  I think we have to remember those good times, when we were living right and being blessed!  If you think you have never felt blessed about something, you are missing out!  It is the most satisfying feeling!  
Remember those good times because in times when things are not going so good, it will truly make you appreciate the good days!   I have been to places in my head I wish no one to ever visit.  Its dark, cold, lonely and painful.  Maybe you are there now.  
I know where you are and where you may have been.  I am only speaking of my experiences and opinions, I hold no answers other than 1, that is Faith.   

I realize there are some with little or no faith, but me personally, I believe and I do my best to live by it everyday and just share!  What is so bad about having someone who is with you all the time and wants to help you?  We are human, we sin everyday.  Ok... We are all sinners!  I am no better than one person who reads this.  Probably in most cases I have twice as much past sin.   Everyday I fail, but I learn and at the end of my day I know I am forgiven of my sins and if it is his will I will be here tomorrow and if I die, I wont go back to that dark place!  
I will pray for you if you comment and request.  
God is Great!  God Bless and Thank you! I hope I have stirred some interest so you might respond and review my blog!  I an new, yes, but I have years of experience in Chronic Pain Management, Divorce, Pain and Sufferings.  Subscribe and Start Following Today!

I am sharing my healing on this blog.  I'm trying so I'm Surviving!  One Day AT A TIME!!!!


Matt Williams

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